Please vote for W. Thank You
Thank you
muchas gracias
Please vote for h. Thank You
Thank you.
Vielen Dank,super
Thank you
thank you
Thank you!
Thank you :)
Thank you..Please vote for B !!!
Thanx for the X letter, Still need the K letter! Please vote!...
Thank you
Thanks 😀😀
Thank you
Please give us W again. Somehow I missed it!
Please help me and vote with me for the letter X thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you
Thanks so much.
I am loving the possibilities for a book for my grandgirl. thanks!!!
Thank you.
Thank you
Danke för das megatolle Alphabet! Leider
hani de M verpasst, chönnt mer de ächt
öpper zueschicke? h a l l e r s c h w e i
z e r (at) g m x . c h. Velle liebe
This was Swiss German ;-) I missed the sign
M. Can please someone send it to my adress?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for another darling alpha.
XXXXtremely proud to be part of this geoup!!!!Thank you
Thank you so much ... I'm able now to have 5 caterpillars embroidered on my G.K. dormitory curtain !!!
Merci beaucoup
Alphas are fabulous, be they elegant or fun. Thank you for all you provide.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you.
I will gladly help after the alphabet is complete.Some of the demading I see though really makes me mad. I have all of the letters so far so know that they have been posted. If you happen to miss one or two there is always the option of paying $1 each to complete it.
I haven't missed any of the letters of this alphabet, Thank God! But for those of you who have, it is a choice, you either buy the letters you missed, buy the alphabet, or vote as you have been asked. Simple. LOL!!! BUT THANX TO MISS VERONIKA FOR THIS WONDERFUL ALPHABET!!!
Merci beaucoup I can hardly wait to use this alphabet - several friends expecting a child or grandchild. Only letter I don't have so far is the "h" and if it doesn't show up at the end - I will purchase it. Thank you for your generosity in providing these different fonts for us.
Thank you.
thank you
After we are through the alphabet could we vote for U.... only one I missed! I need it for Quinn!! Thanks
Thank you
Please repeat the k as I missed it.
For the bib of my little Kathel.
Thank you so much
How about an elegant design next like the Estival>
thank you
please vote after we finished the alpha for other letters. I miss some to but it is confusing to vote in the middle of the alpha. Thanks, Yvonne
thank you. i missed several but if you can vote for any will help c h j n m thanks
Thank you.
Thank you
Please, after we vote for the H, can we also vote for the A (or add it to the list for voting)? Thanks to all.
thank you