Please vote for L and R
Please vote for the W
I'm voting for the other requestee.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you so much for voting for the X. Voted for others requested
Voted B W T, thank you, I need the B and T.
Have been unable to connect to Adorable Applique for a number of weeks. Support page will not open. Can you help?
Many thanka!!!Please vote N and R...Thanking you
G, K Y are the letters that I missed.
Please vote for them and I will votre for
the next 5 request.
Thank you.
Please Vote for L, R, and U.
Thanks everyone.
Please vote for M and P. Thank you!
dank je wel Stem voor 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 dank je allen
Please, vote for letter M
I forgot it, thanks
I'll vote for you
Thank you I need B, T and am voting for all others. Thank you.
Thank you
Is it possible for your designs to come in VP3 format? Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you so much for this font! It is adorable. I'm on the look-out for "C" if it comes back around.
stem voor A dank je allen
Thank you
Thank You!!!
Please, vote for "D" and "O". Thank you!
Thank you.
Iam also voting for the A and M, which I'm missing. Thanks for your votes. Maria Elena
I'm voting for the A
Please vote for the L
I'm voting for the L and M
Thank you
dank je wel stem voor A dank je allen
Thanks 😀😀
Thank you
Thank you, I voted for A every day, please help me for letter M
Thank you
(❁ '◡' ❁)
Thank you!