Please help me with the letter S
Thanks, just what I needed!
Please, pretty please, vote for the "B". I see I'm not the only one needing this letter but it's the only one I need to complete my alphabet. Thank you. Maria Elena
Please can you vote for O
I am voting each time to help you all so
please help me
thank you if you can
Thanx for letting us vote for missed letters!!! I still need B-I-N-T, Soooo I would appreciate all votes, while I am voting for you & your missed letters... TIA, Judy...
Cute set. I missed A, B and G. Would appreciate your votes for these!
Please vote for K
Thank you
please vote for q thankyou
Thank you for the free font. All I need is 'S'. Please vote for 'S'. If you need any letter, just let me know and I will send it to you.
Please vote for "L", thank you.
please vote for a g j s t u. love this font hate to miss letters. thank you
Je ne peux pas ouvrir la lettre P dans
tropical font, toutes les autres lettres
sont utilisables, sauf le P
Merci de me dire que faire !!! Mireille
thank you
Thank you please vote I & J
Thank you
Thank you so much
Thank you!!
Merci beaucoup ;-)
Please vote for K
thank you
Many Thanks!
Thank you.
Thank you
Thanx Bunches!!!
Thank you
Thanks ☺
Thank you :-)
Thank you
Thank you
thank you
Thank you.
Thank you.
Please vote for J N O I missed it. Thank you
thank you
Thank you
thank you!
Thank you!