Thank you. Please vote for G.
Please vote for M Thank you
please help me get H with your vote
thank you
I am not the moderator or owner but just warning those considering trading, that it is against copyright laws to sell or trade these designs. Please read the terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed up for various groups including this one.
I'll vote for the D and S people
needed if we can vote up the O and X.
I'll even trade letters if someone
wants to email me. weyrdkat at yahoo dot
Thank you, Please, please vote for the letter S. I will vote for other letters requested.
Thank you for the Q !!!
love this alphabet but still would love to see U again. Thank you for voting when you can
I completed my set yesterday. I came back and voted for all the letters everyone still needs. Good Luck everyone and thanks again for voting for the one I needed.
THANK YOU Ms Veronica for another gorgeous
Avis70- Sweet Font was originally released
on sister site, Amazing If
you can manage a membership, which will
often go on sale for about $25 down from
$35, a few times a year. This set is
currently on pg 152-153 & are design
#439483 for A thru #439509 for Z & $1
ea, so the sale price here @ $5.97 is a
great deal, especially if a membership over
there, is not a possibility. Good Luck
thank you
Still need Y
Thank you! Please vote for the letter M.
Still need U and V. Thanks for your votes
Thank you still need D,O,P & V
Thank you..
Please vote C - H - I. Thank you.
thank you - please
vote for V
thank you - please
vote for V
Thank you. Please vote for "X".
Thank you for the Q. Still need U and V. Thanks for your votes.
I also have been voting for the letter request. I need the letter P. Thank you so much!!
Did all the requested voting today - hope your sets are nearing completion. I would dearly love to collect the Sweet Font that is on special. Is there a way to get that alphabet as a daily letter? I'm not too familiar at how these alphabets get chosen. Blessings to you all!
Please vote for the letter M. Thank you.
Please vote for the " X " I vote for the other letters too. Thank you lucky1
Please vote for F. I too have been voting for the letter requests
Please, vote for the letters I and M. I've been voting for the asked ones. Thank you!
Thanks to all who voted for the Q. Now my Purple heart fonts are complete. Will vote for others to help you.
Please vote for U and Z. Thanks!
Still need QTUV. Every vote is appreciated.
Thank you
Thank you sew much
Quite beautiful. Thank you.
thank you very much
Thank You
Thank you
Thanks a whole bunch!
Thank you
Thank you!
Thank you!!
Thank you I love these
Thank you.
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much!
Thank you!
Thank you sew much.
Thanx so very MUCH!!!
Thank you
Thank you
thank you :)
Thank you
Thank you.
ačiū :*
Thank you.
Thank you!
Thanks this set!
Спасибо !!!
Thank you
Please vote for A as I missed it at the beginning. Loving the alphabet. Thanks.
thank u for 'q'
Merci beaucoup
thank you. Please vote for "B" when we get done.
What happened to the letter P. Went to download and it was at Q.
Thank you, please vote for "G"